Living in Encino has so many perks. But it has several downsides. One of them is that it sits along the San Andreas Fault. This fault lies along the ring of fire. That’s why it experiences several quakes every day. However, the tremors are not always felt. For that reason, you may wonder why would someone call an earthquake retrofitting in Encino if most of the quakes are insignificant?
If you are going to ask a geologist if retrofitting is necessary, then he would tell you it is. The reason for this is that the Big One can strike at any time. By retrofitting your house, you are ensuring that it will somehow endure the effects of the Big One.
Earthquake Retrofitting in Encino to Get Ready for the Big One
No one knows for sure when the Big One will occur. It could happen at any time. That’s why you need to have your property inspected now to make sure that it will withstand a major earthquake.
Preparing Your House
Since no one can predict when the next major earthquake will occur, you must be ready for it all the time.
One of the things you can do is to have your house inspected by our retrofitting team. Our professional retrofitters will inspect your property and determine whether or not it requires retrofitting.
It is important to remember, though, that retrofitting will not make your house earthquake-proof. However, it will make it more resistant to significant damages. In that case, you can save money on repairs, your life, and your loved ones’ lives.
Request a Quote from LARC, Inc.
LARC, Inc is the leading retrofitting company in Encino. You can schedule a free inspection today and we will dispatch our team immediately.
Once we have scheduled an inspection, our licensed engineers will thoroughly assess your house and determine if your house may face damages if a major earthquake will arise.
After thoroughly inspecting your property, our engineers will prepare a detailed report and recommendations. If retrofitting is not necessary, they may give you some suggestions on how to further protect your property from a major quake.
On the other hand, if they recommend that you retrofit your house, you should oblige. Indeed, you will need to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on this project. But it is for the safety of your family.
You can also save money in the event of a major quake. That is, your house will not sustain significant damages that require expensive repairs.
By retrofitting your house, you are protecting your property against the possible damages that may come associated with the major earthquake.
But it is for you to decide whether to push through the project or not. Our team will not insist if you are not ready for it. However, we do recommend that you make this project a priority before it is too late.
Our earthquake retrofitting in Encino is cost-effective. It also meets the strict seismic codes of the state. Give us a call today to know more about it: (818) 629-0923.